Simplicity card

Vos titres de transport sur votre carte Simplicités

Your travel tickets on your Simplicités card

Travel light and simplify your daily life with your travel tickets stored on your card, always in your pocket and easily rechargeable.

Abonnements mono ou multi réseaux

Single or multi-network subscriptions

Choose flexibility with subscriptions tailored to your needs, whether they are specific to one mode of transport or combined (TER + urban) for more freedom.

Carte gratuite et validité étendue

Free card with extended validity

Enjoy a free transport card, valid for several years, for an easier and more economical daily life.

Accès privilégié aux abris vélos des gares SNCF en Grand Est

Privileged access to bike shelters at SNCF stations in Grand Est

Enjoy privileged access to secure bike shelters near stations, perfect for bike-train combinations in the Grand Est region.

Simplifiez vos trajets !

A support Multi networks

The Simplicités card is the single ticketing medium for the Grand Est Region networks. It simplifies your travel using several modes or several networks. This medium already allows you to purchase and host transport tickets for a dozen networks.

A support multi services

It also allows privileged access to secure bicycle shelters at the station, and through its functionalities, can host several local services for partner networks thanks to the Citizen Multi-service Application (AMC) such as the swimming pool, the library or self-service bicycles, etc.