The Grand Est Region and the partner transport authorities provide you with the data from Multimodal Information System (SIM) to enable its reuse and promote the development of user services and innovation in the region.
Embed a white-label module on your site
The Grand Est Region provides third parties with the possibility of integrating grey or white-label modules (trip planner, timetable search, nearby maps) on websites or mobile apps.
Reuse repository data and the Grand Est multimodal trip planner (API)
The Grand Est Region and the transport authority partners ensure the provision of other data from the repository (for example real-time public transport data) as well as access to the trip planner to any third party via an API, as long as the reuse is in line with respect for and contribution to the public policies of the Grand Est territories, in particular the improvement of the inter-modality of transport networks and the use of alternative modes to driving alone.
You can request access to the regional SIM APIs and web services. A reuse agreement will be given to you to authorise and supervise the use of the trip planner.
Reuse raw data
Theoretical offer data from public transport networks are disseminated under Open License 2.0 on the portal DataGrandEst from the Grand Est Region which is harvested by the national platform, to appear in the National Access Point (PAN) transport data.
The date provision process
The law on the Modernisation of Territorial Public Action and Affirmation of Metropolitan Areas (MAPTAM) has made the Region the leader in multimodal transport and complementarity between modes of transport. To ensure continuity of service to users and supplement the service provided in order to standardise it across the entire territory, the Region has implemented a new Multimodal Information System (SIM) across the Grand Est region, in partnership with the territory’s transport authorities (AOM).
The general aim of the shared SIM is to improve users’ access to information concerning all modes of transport (collective and individual, private and public) either when preparing their journey (timetables, fares, etc.) or during their journey (information in “real time”).
The SIM is made up of several building blocks which are:
› A multimodal data repository enabling data to be collected, qualified and brought into compliance;
› A multimodal calculator (public transport, car, bicycle, walking, carpooling, car sharing, self-service bicycle), intermodal and real time over a territory extending 100km beyond the limit of the Grand Est (to do this, data from Ile-de-France Mobilités and Luxembourg were integrated into the database and the SIM uses the European calculator EU-Spirit for cross-border searches).
The presentation of information on various regional Fluo Grand Est distribution channels (Fluo website, mobile apps (Android and iOS), the call centre (09 70 80 90 10) and local channels (media of transport organisers and their operators),
Making qualified SIM and trip planner data available to the public, partners and third parties.