Points of sale | Fluo TER

Purchase online

All tickets and passes offered by Fluo TER are available on your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Fluo TER tickets and passes can be purchased from the TER Grand Est online store.

Fluo TER tickets and passes are on sale on the SNCF Connect app. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

Visit your local station to make purchases and carry out other transactions. Click here to search for a station

From Fluo TER teams

Visit your local station to make purchases and carry out other transactions. Click here to search for a station

The mobile store is travelling across the Ardennes to come to you and advise you on Fluo TER offers and services. Click here to find out where the mobile store stops.

Contact the Fluo TER Customer Relations Centre on 0 805 415 415 (free call and service) and you will receive your ticket by text message. Free service, available from a landline or mobile phone. More information on the Allo Billet service.

From partners and approved ticket offices

Take advantage of a local service to purchase your Fluo TER tickets and passes near you, thanks to our network of partners. Find a partner near you.

Fluo TER tickets are also distributed by more than 800 approved SNCF ticket offices.