Personal data

Protection of personal data

Access to Fluo Grand Est digital services may result in the collection and use of personal data concerning you. Below you will find details of the processing carried out and the means available to you to exercise your rights. The data controller is the Grand Est Region.

What data do we collect?

In accordance with the principle of minimisation, we only collect data necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

The different categories of data collected during your registration and depending on your use of our services are as follows:

  • Identification data (including title, first name, surname, email address, password);
  • Contact details (including email address);
  • Usage data (including web pages visited);
  • Connection data (including your computer’s IP address, connection and usage logs);
  • Location data.

For what use (purposes)?

Your personal data is collected and processed only on the basis of the legal bases provided for by the regulations:

In the context of the execution of a mission of public interest:

    • Customer account management;
    • Identification and authentication of the client or user

Based on your consent:

      • Communication with the customer (emails, service information)
      • Carrying out statistical studies;
      • Facilitating location services (smartphone app).

Retention period

We only keep your data for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes mentioned above or to allow us to meet our legal obligations, i.e. a maximum of 24 months if you do not reconnect. In this case, an email will be sent to you beforehand.

To which recipients?

The user’s personal data is processed by the services and service providers (subcontractors) of the Grand Est Region exclusively for the purposes described above.

How secure is your data?

We have defined technical and organisational measures to protect your data appropriately according to its nature, the extent of processing and its accessibility. This may involve, for example, data encryption, access rights management, secure flows, etc. Compliance with the security and protection of your data is required of all our employees and service providers.

What are your rights?

You can access information about you or request its deletion.

You also have a right to object, a right to rectification, a right to limitation of use and the right to portability of your data when your consent is required.

To exercise these rights or for any questions about the processing of your data in this system, you can contact us by electronically, using the form directly on our website on this page.

If, after contacting us, you believe that your data protection rights have not been respected or that the system does not comply with data protection rules, you can submit a complaint to the data protection officer of the Grand Est Region: If, after contacting the GDPR officer for the Grand Est Region, you consider that your data protection rights are still not respected or that the system still does not comply with data protection rules, you can send a complaint to the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (


Si vous estimez, après nous avoir contactés, que vos droits informatique et libertés ne sont pas respectés ou que le dispositif n’est pas conforme aux règles de protection des données, vous pouvez adresser une réclamation au délégué à la protection des données de la Région Grand Est : Si, après avoir contacté le référent RGPD de la Région Grand Est, vous estimez que vos droits informatique et libertés ne sont toujours pas respectés ou que le dispositif n’est toujours pas conforme aux règles de protection des données, vous pouvez adresser une réclamation au à la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (

About cookies

We use different cookies on the site to improve the interactivity of our digital services. We are gradually deploying the “tarteaucitron.js” script when our sites contain cookies requiring prior consent from the user.


What is a “cookie”?

A “cookie” is a small file, usually made up of letters and numbers, sent by the web server to the browser cookie file located on your computer’s hard drive.

3 types of cookies are placed on the authority’s sites:

Internal cookies necessary for the site to function

They do not pose any danger to your privacy; the cookie that memorises your choice for the configuration of cookies is part of this category.

Audience measurement cookies

On the website, we use Google Analytics and Matomo to analyse audiences. Your consent is requested prior to the storage of Google Analytics cookies.


Opt out of audience measurement in Matomo on

The Grand Est Region measures the number of visits, the number of pages viewed as well as the activity of visitors on the site and their frequency of return.

We also collect your IP address, in order to assess the geographic area (city of the connection location) from which you are connecting. This is immediately anonymised after use in Matomo. The Grand Est Region cannot therefore in any way trace this back to a natural person. The personal data collected (cookie identifier) is kept by the Grand Est Region for a period of 180 days. They are not transferred to third parties or used for other purposes. You can choose to refuse cookies and Matomo’s statistical analysis of your browsing data.

<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span><span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span>


Third-party cookies intended to improve the interactivity of Fluo digital services

This could include:

  • share buttons (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram)
  • videos broadcast on the site (YouTube)

These features use third-party cookies directly placed by these services. During your first visit to the regional sites, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and asks you to indicate your choice. They are only stored if you accept them or if you continue browsing the site by visiting a second page on the same site. You can find out more and configure your cookies at any time to accept or refuse them by going to the [Gestion des cookies] page at the bottom of each page of the site. You can indicate your preference either globally for the site or service by service.